Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is Bonjela Ok For Abcess

Lesson 2

Jak zwiększyć szanse na działanie dosa!

Ekwipunek Dosowicza
Potrzeba nam:
Słuchawek, najlepiej zakrywające całe uszy (nie te od komórek)
Łóżka and pillows:)

What to do before the hearing dosa?
Do everything you had to (go in the trash, wash gary instruct, etc) because when we listen dosa while "thinking" and just think about what we have if we had to do. It's distracting.
Strip to (throw a cat or a dog from the room, close the door, close the window, turn off the radio, etc.). So we do not mind.
Change the sound settings - all balansy the middle, turn off the noise suppression. While listening

dosa must: * BE CLOSED
EYES (the most important thing, it helps to focus)
Lay in bed or on your back, or on the side (we do not ścierpli: P)
Avoid sitting at a desk and listening to the DOS because there is no such effect.
* Relax! Allow your muscles to relax and not stiff (relaxation techniques:
* Concentrate \u0026lt;- I know it is tough. The mind leaps to mind like a monkey on a tree, which is why you have to do what was your duty, you do not have a something to think about and that it will not rozparzało). * Be Patient (like dos not work for 5 minutes, this will work for 10 and do not turn off) Limit your movements to a minimum (think of such a kind of "vouchers" movement. You can move three times, and scratch 2 for example) * Listen to it the sounds dosa (this helps to focus) and how to start thinking about something else, then change the sound, which is skupiałeś (sound in DOS is a plethora of) * Visualize - if you listen to the sound does not work, visualize yourself. Example: Imagine the sound of dosa as a beam, circulating all over your body. Or imagine how the sound flows into your mind by clearing it of any thoughts. Start from the weak with the weak and the end result of the unimaginable phases, hallucinations. If you are from those where it does not work, please read this carefully! This was my "Game" obey everything that is written here and I assure you also that we will succeed. 1 Day - [Reset] 10 minutes later, [Alpha]. Day 2 - [Reset]> [alpha]> [Alcohol] (one can do a 2 minute interval, p .)
Day 3 - [Reset]> [Alcohol] (same as above)
Day 4 - [Reset]> [beta]> [opium] (after the beta wait 10 minutes)
Day 5 - [Alpha]> , [Beta]> [gamma] (also here between dosami one can make a 1-4 minute break)
6 Day - [Reset]> [You-Choose] (same as above)
7 Day - [Reset] > [Trip] (same)

Then you can bash something stronger such as Hand Of God increases the chances that it will work.
brain begins to get used to changes in frequency and then "swallows" better. Tested on my cousin who began
adventure with i-Doser. OTHER COUNCIL

* Take you to a T-shirt and cover with a thin blanket (pomaga!)
* DO NOT LISTEN TO DOS, one after another! (Because there is no such effect), unless it is necessarily want a dos "RESET" to each DOS release the reset button and you can listen to the next.
* And as everyone poisoning: Do not listen to piwku, wódeczce, whiskey, pure Żubrówka, sticks,, herbs, etc, etc, because there is nothing then dos can not ....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Leveling Sagging Floor

Game Enhancer

Game Enhancer - the so-called. fly to games, exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre.

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Game Enhancer (Strategy) (Strategic Afterburner game)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Examples of strategy games: StarCraft, WarCraft, Command and Conquer, Plants vs. Zombies, Tropico, Sims-style, Civ, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Sports) ( Sports games afterburner)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Examples of sports games: FIFA, Skate, Tony Hawk, 2K, MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Shooter) (Afterburner game shooter)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for players. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Sample shooter: Quake, Counter Strike, Enemy Territory, Doom, Raystorm, Left 4 Dead, Army of Two, Battlefield, Bioshock, Call of Duty, etc.

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Game Enhancer (RPG) (Afterburner for RPGs)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity for a particular genre. Sample RPG: Diablo, Final Fantasy, Borderlands, Fable, Fallout, Mass Effect, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Age, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Racing) (Afterburner for racing games)

exclusive line of DOS , designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Sample racing games: Blur, Need for Speed, MotorStorm, Gran Turismo, Forza, Wipeout, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Music) (Afterburner to Music Games)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Sample music games: Tap Tap, Lips, Guitar Hero, Dance Dance Revolution, Karaoke Revolution, Rock Band, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Fighting) (Afterburner for fighting games)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Sample fighting game: UFC, Street Fighter, Final Fight, Fatal Fury, Tekken, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Casual) (Afterburner Mini-Game)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Examples of mini-games: Peggle, Farmville, Scrabble, Bejeweled, Zuma, Tetris, etc.

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Game Enhancer (Adventure) (Afterburner to Adventure Games)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers. For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity for a particular genre. Sample Adventure games: Phoenix Wright, Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Endless Ocean, Heavy Rain, Silent Hill etc.

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Game Enhancer (Action) (Dopalacz do gier Akcji)

exclusive line of DOS, designed for gamers . For use when playing games or just before or during the whole session of games. For each type of player: normal, mild, hardkore, or professional - each dose is to increase the capacity of a particular genre. Examples of action games: Arkaham Asylum, Prince of Persia, Red Redemption Dead, Alan Wake, Dead to Rights, Monster Hunter, Splinter Cell, etc.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daylight Gained Each Day In Illinois


As you can see we have a non-stop changes in the i-doser-Polish!
The column has been added on "observers" to encourage you to append, you just have a google account, which is almost everyone is;) Being informed observers ejsteście e-mails about new posts in the IDP, encourage and greet!

ps Today will be published quite Series Game Enhancers;) More info in a row.

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QuickHappy is useful when you need quick refreshment. Although it is not as strong as our other quite anti-depressant, is ideal when you need a quick hit in the morning, noon, or when you get home from work. Within 5 minutes, takes you from the state of alpha (10Hz) for a quiet carefree .20 h, was the favorite "in Monday's Morning Dose." Will be amazed how much easier it is to aim to the office after using QuickHappy.

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Sexual dosa is a fast version of Orgasm:
Orgasm is defined as the release sexual tension that built up during masturbation or intercourse. It is a feeling of intense pleasure. Contractions of muscles occur, the whole body trembling, 'losing touch with reality, and there is a release that can not be described. Orgasm is one of those things that are hard to describe, but if you are going through it you can be sure that you will be aware of what it is. With our dos definitely feel it. Dırıver


MarijuanaQH is a fast version dosa Marijuana:
What would you say to all effects, which provides burn the herbs, but without the harmful smoke? The most active compound in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). The membranes of certain nerve cells in the brain contain protein receptors that bind to THC. When the connection securely embeds, the THC begins his action. Now imagine that the ideal dose reproduces the effects of THC - the improvement of mood, a deep and analytical thinking, increased appreciation of music, a pleasant feeling of embracing the whole body and the feeling of being on a high, which can only deliver marijuana. This is one of the most complicated dose'ów. Creating it took us over a year, you are advised to check results.

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EcstasyQH dosa is a fast version of Ecstasy:
pact. Sometimes you just want THIS ... and you want it to be strong and good. Ecstasy was designed to bring you into a state of near orgasm. " Our strongest, fastest, sexual dose-we do not recommend it to casual users. Go to WYYYŻSZY level with Ecstasy. It is not for romance. It is not for cuddle. This was designed to make you explode in pure ecstasy. By tingle your body and melt your soul. Retirement Cartoons Free


AstralQH dosa is a fast version of Astral Travel: Astral Travel is
OBE experienced during deep sleep or deep meditation. The concept of astral projection is called faith in the fact that we have a different body from the physical, which can travel without him. Powrzechnie such flights are called Astral, etheric (?) Or astral duchami.Projekcje always experience when the spirit or astral body leaves the physical body and travels / year in the astral world. Astral projection is controversial. Skeptics say that there are only anecdotal evidence that someone actually leaves the body.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Best Mono Strap Backpack

Lekcja 1

What is I-Doser?

I-Doser is a program to hemispheric synchronization.
allows to simulate the mood, improve well-being and to simulate the feeling of narcotic.
from a similar program - BrainWave Generator differs in that I-Doser has the ability to simulate the feel of narcotic.
was developed by the "I-Doser Labs' (I-Doser Labs) and is widely regarded as an advanced and secure method for synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres.
has been tested on a large group of people who confirmed his action.
Each new "dose" / "drag" (the so-called files supported by the program) before it is officially published and released into the public must pass a test on a large group of people with a large range of age.


It was tested on a large group of people, and confirmed its operation.
Each new drag must be added before the move a positive test for most teams.


Yes. Tested on a group of people with a large range of age.
But it is not recommended when driving large / heavy doses.

Short, different info:

-recommended to us in a calm / quiet room, preferably lying down, with good headphones on his ears [speakers knocked], not too loud.
-Apparently helped some clean break with the habits of the normal use of drugs.
-mixowac You can go with other, normal dredges

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Nowy lay

As you have noticed all of today has been changed layout!
I hope that you will appeal.