Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mens Girdle Houston Texas

I-Doser Quaalude

Quaalude Its use peaked in Between 1960 and 1970 for the treatment of insomnia and as a sedative and muscle relaxant. is also used illegally as recreational drug, commonly known as Quaaludes . Usually include effects; relax , euphoria, drowsiness and reduce heart, shallow breathing , growth sexual arousal and numbness fingers and toes ).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How To Warm Precooked Ribs

my twelve walls ... ikea dream

drawing / collage, 2011

drawing / collage, 2011

drawing / collage, 2011

drawing / collage, 2011

drawing / collage, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tiffany Towers And Smoking

part of the installation "DOMYDWA"

DIPLOMA 2010 oil on burns, formats, 'albums'

How To Get Rid Of Natural Camel Toe

The Great Street, 2010

(min 0.51.)

Signature Quotes Short

SUMMER 2010 ALBUM 2010

ALBUM, 2010
part of the thesis "DOMYDWA"

oil on canvas, small sizes, "albums"

Pain On Breast On The 29th Day


tractor, 2009
oil on canvas, 20x20cm

chapel 2009
olej and płótnie, 20x20cm

stadnina, 2009
olej and płótnie, 20x20cm

pitch, 2009
oil on canvas, 20x20cm

mountain, 2009
oil on canvas, 20x20cm